You've joined the cold brew movement. Maybe you didn't even realize when the shift started... you know, shying away from the old hot coffee standby and, instead, forking out a buck or two extra for the cold stuff. And not just iced coffee, no, you're for the mellow, round and dark, the true cold … [Read more...]
Brown IPA was known by another name before it became an accepted style by the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) in 2015. Texas Brown Ale. However, the name does little but muddy the water when looking for the sub-style's origin; which incidentally is California, not Texas. Confused yet? Well, … [Read more...]
Summer days come earlier and earlier every year, so there is no time like the present to begin brewing your craft beer for summer enjoyment. Here are four ideas for the perfect craft brew for warmer months ahead. Fruit Beers There’s no better way to quench your thirst on a hot summer day than by … [Read more...]
Don’t let the classic concept of a wine and cheese tasting keep you from letting your taste buds roam free with craft beer and cheese. While personal taste always rules supreme, certain palates may find beer, particularly craft beers, a superior way to rejuvenate the taste buds between a sharp … [Read more...]
Helles Bock, also known as Maibock, should be considered the official Spring seasonal. After all, Maibock translates as "May" bock; meaning this beer was brewed in the winter then lagered until early spring. It’s a lighter color, slightly hoppier, though still malty member of the bock family. … [Read more...]
Motueka (pronounced Mo-two-e-ka) is one of the major hop growing regions in New Zealand. What better reason to give a hop the same name? Motueka is a "Noble-esque" hop which came out of the New Zealand Plant & Food Research when it was still known as HortResearch (Horticulture and Food … [Read more...]
Two-row pale, sometimes called "Brewer's Malt" or simply Two-row, is by far the most used base malt in the U.S. It is a light-colored malt, lighter than "Pale Malt,” generally around 1.8 Lovibond (very light gold) and has a sweet, clean, smooth, slightly cracker-like flavor profile. Unlike Maris … [Read more...]
Hops are best known for their use in brewing beer, but Humulus lupulus isn't a one-trick pony. Like its cousin cannabis, it has many other uses besides the one it is most called out for and many of these benefits were put to use long before hops found its place in beer. Beyond being a beautiful … [Read more...]
Seasonal beers are big business for every brewery. Released at certain times of the year they are most often tied to a style that works particularly well for a given season. You don't see many stouts being released as a summer seasonal, nor do you see blondes being of particular fame in the dead of … [Read more...]
Everyone loves a good tasting beer! This is often affected by how your kegerator is cleaned. Many homebrewers overlook this step, either because they’re focused on creating their own recipes or they just don’t realize the importance of cleaning on a regular basis. A dirty kegerator can end up … [Read more...]
There are so many different styles of craft beer that it can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to the craft beer scene. But it’s this freedom and creativity that gives the craft beer culture its vibrancy. There are many ways to go about classifying craft beer styles, such as color, taste, … [Read more...]
Hoppy brown beers got their start in America back in the '80s, thanks to adventurous homebrewers who, in the words of John Palmer, "decided that most brown ales were just too wimpy." Eventually, this type of beer, later known as Texas Brown Ale, would split, taking two separate paths to spawn both … [Read more...]