HomebrewingHop Profiles Northdown Hops: A Classic English Hop VarietyA popular dual-purpose hop in the U.K., Northdown hops have a long history in England. Click here to learn how to brew beer with this variety.
HomebrewingHop Profiles Medusa Hops: The Mythical Multihead Hop VarietyLegend has it that there is a hop variety that grows multiple heads. This monster is no myth, this is Medusa. And you can slay her with our hop profile.
Beer Reviews REVIEW: Jolly Russian From Odell Brewing Co.A barrel aged imperial stout, Odell's Jolly Russian is a swashbuckling sipper that is perfect for scallywags. Click here to read our review.
Beer RecipesHomebrewingHow To Brew (And Other Tips) 5 Beginner-Friendly Homebrew StylesIf you're a beginner homebrewer, you may not know where to start. Here are five well-known beer styles that are both forgiving and fun to brew.
HomebrewingHop Profiles Calypso Hops: The Dual-Purpose Hop with Complex AromaCalypso hops are a rising dual-purpose hop variety that's great for adding complex aromas to your beer. Learn how to brew beer with this variety.
HomebrewingHop Profiles African Queen Hops: The Secretive South African VarietyAfrican Queen hops are the newest variety in South Africa. However, little is known about the variety, because you can't brew with it. Here's why.
Beer StylesHomebrewingHow To Brew (And Other Tips) London Brown Ale: The Session Beer That History Forgot AboutLondon Brown Ale is a sessionable style that gets overlooked by brewers large and small. Learn more about its history and how to brew your own.
HomebrewingHop ProfilesHow To Brew (And Other Tips) Perle Hops: The Most Popular Aroma Hop in GermanyPerle hops are a popular dual-purpose variety grown in both the U.S. and Germany. Click here to learn how to use this hop while brewing.
Beer InfoBeer Styles Piwo Grodziskie: The Polish Smoked Wheat Beer That Nearly Went ExtinctSmoky and refreshing, Piwo Grodziskie is a historical beer from Poland. Learn more about its history, full style profile and how to brew your own.
HomebrewingHop Profiles Bramling Cross Hops: The English Hop With an American-Type AromaA dual-purpose variety from the UK, Bramling Cross hops are unique for English hops due to the American characteristics they impart in beer.
HomebrewingHop Profiles Summit Hops: The Dwarf Variety That’s High in Alpha AcidOften used for bittering, Summit hops are a popular semi-dwarf variety that's high in alpha acid. Click here to learn how to use it while brewing.
HomebrewingHop Profiles Boadicea Hops: The Aphid Resistant Variety Named For A Warrior QueenNamed after a warrior queen, Boadicea hops are the worlds first truly aphid-resistant variety. Click here to read our full hop profile.